BiotSavart document format


This section describes the format used to save configuration files. This is also the format of the clipboard contents if you copy objects there. The format is plain text comprising a list of object descriptions. Each description begins on a new line with a word giving the type of object, followed on the same line by an opening brace. This brace marks the start of a multi-line character string which continues until the matching brace. This character string contains the defining commands for the object. The first command is typically the command which sets the objects name. The layout is as follows:

type {
name {the name}
...further commands...

The type should be one of the recognized object types (Current, Loop, Solenoid, Revolved, Wire, Racetrack, Linear, or Planar). If the software does not recognize the type then the text between curly brackets which follows it will simply be ignored. The commands which can be used within the braces depend upon the type of the object, and are described in the next section. The format of a command line is

command param

where command is a valid command word and param is a parameter.

Length parameters can have units (m, mm, cm, ft, in).

Vector position parameters can have units, but only after the entire vector.

String parameters are quoted by braces instead of quotes so that strings can be nested. Multiline strings are possible -- once a string is opened with a left brace, it continues until the matching right brace is found. For instance, the comment command contains the contents of the Notes tab of the dialog box:

comment {This text is the user's notes.  
Note that in the file left and
right braces are prefaced by a backslash like this: \} 
so that the nesting of strings is not messed up if the 
user has left or right braces in the text.

Special characters in the file or clipboard contents:

 {  opens a (possibly multi-line) string
 }  closes a string
 \  escapes next character, e.g. \{ or \} are not interpreted as string delimeters


In the following n denotes an integer, x, y, etc. are floating point numbers (possibly with units), v a two or three-dimensional vector (possibly with units at the end), and b is a Boolean value (0 or 1). Commands are not case sensitive (i.e., positionx and positionX are the same command).

Commands common to all objects

name {the name} set object name
comment {notes...} the contents of the Notes tab
positionX x origin of object coordinate frame
positionY y  
positionZ z  
eulerPhi phi Euler angles (degrees)
eulerPsi psi  
eulerTheta theta  
visible b draw object? (b=0 suppresses drawing)

Current object commands

supplies {supply table} see table format section
bias 5.7 bias field in tesla (z direction)

Commands common to all conductors

currentSupply {name} current supply name (no embedded blanks)
currentScale x current supply scale factor
winding x number of turns
wireDiameter x wire diameter
nPhi n steps used to draw a circle
phi phi0 phi1 drawing range (degrees)
fluxPathStep ds path stepsize for flux calculations (used by nonaxisymmetric conductors)
fluxPhiSteps n number of azimuthal steps for flux calculations (used by axisymmetric conductors)

Loop object commands

nZeta n steps to draw wire circumference
loops {loop data table} see table format section

Solenoid object commands

innerRadius x inner radius of solenoid
outerRadius x outer radius of solenoid
length x full length of solenoid
resolution x used for calculation of loop spacing
paraxialR x near-axis threshold for cubic expansion
paraxialEnabled b enable near-axis approximations
drawLoops show loops used in calculation (2-D)

Revolved object commands

path {2-D path...} See below for 2-D path commands
drawElements show elements (calculation loops) used in calculation
reverse reverse polygon defined by path}

2-D path commands (used by Revolved object)

resolution x loop spacing for later segements
start v set starting position to v
goto v make segment to position v
center v center for turn
dtheta theta used if resolution is zero
turn theta turn through theta degrees
close close polygon

Wire object commands

path {3-D path...} See below for 3-D path commands
reverse reverse polygon defined by path}

3-D path commands (used by Wire and Linear objects)

resolution x marker spacing for later segments
start v starting position (object coordinates)
goto v line segment to new position
axis v1 v2 define axis for rotations
center v define center
normal v define normal
pitch x pitch, in advance/revolution
dtheta theta stepsize for turns, degrees
turn theta turn through angle theta, degrees
turn x t turn through x turns
close close wire (optional)

Racetrack object commands

length x length of straight section
span x distance between straights
width x width width of conductor (in plane)
height x height (out of plane)
resolution x controls subdivision into wires
nturn n number of segments in end turn

Linear object commands

path {3-D path...} See 3-D Path section
xRange x1 x2 set plotting range x1 < x < x2 meters
yRange B1 B2 set plotting range B1 < B < B2 tesla
plot yvars vs xvar yvars is one or more of bx, by, bz, or b
xvar is one of x, y, z, or s
macro {macro sequence...} See macro section

Planar object commands

grid nU nV grid mesh is nU by nV
uX x x-component of u
uY y ...etc.
uZ z  
vX x  
vY y  
vZ z  
plotrange B1 B2 set plotting range B1 < B < B2 tesla
contour x set contour spacing to x tesla
apartWindow b plot in separate window?
drawContour b draw contour on configuration window?
drawGrid b draw grid on configuration window?
drawFrame b draw frame on configuration window?

Table format

The Loop and Current objects are examples of objects which include a table as part of their definitions. To represent a table we use nested strings. For example, to have two loops, one of 2cm radius at z=1cm carrying 0.3A and one with opposite current of 3cm radius at z=-5mm, we have

Loop { 
   name {Two loop object}
   currentSupply mySupply
   loops { 
       { {2cm} {1cm} {1} } 
       { {3cm} {-5mm} {-1} } 
Current { 
    supplies {
        { {mySupply} {0.3} } 

The argument of the loops command is a string consists of a set of substrings, one string for each loop. Each of these strings consists, in turn, of three strings, specifying the radius, the alitude, and the number of turns in each loop. This is the general format of a table in BiotSavart files: the table is a string consisting of substrngs which are the rows of the table, each row made up of substrings which are the table entries.

For objects with a path description, e.g., the path of a Wire through space, the path commands are in the string which is the argument of the path command:

Wire {
    name {a short wire}
    path {
        start 0 0 0
        goto 1 0 1 cm